Weekly General Membership Meetings:
We meet every week at the American Legion Hall at 3440 Morrish Road in Swartz Creek on Thursdays at 7:30 AM, except on holidays.
We usually have 20-25 members and guests present. Many members arrive early to socialize before things get started. The meeting begins with the traditional ringing of the bell, pledge to the flag, singing a patriotic song, and grace. After a few general announcements we settle down to listen to our guest speaker. Then the meeting gets spirited with fines, 50/50, and happy bucks. We adjourn before 8:30 AM.
Everyone is welcome to these meetings. Just drop in and introduce yourself. You will be welcomed, and we'll even buy your first breakfast.
Monthly Board of Directors Meetings:
The Board of Directors meet on the first Tuesday of every month. Members are welcome to attend, but not the public unless invited. This one is all business.
Annual Installation Banquet:
We have a banquet to celebrate the previous year and install our new officers for the next year around the first of October.