Swartz Creek
Our 16th year

Friday, August 22, 2025
Saturday, August 23, 2025
Elms Park
Swartz Creek, Michigan
You are hereby invited to submit your application to display and sell your food products at the annual Art in the Park fine arts and fine crafts festival in Swartz Creek, Michigan. The event will be held at Elms Park on Elms Road in Swartz Creek, Michigan .
Thursday, July 1 – Early Application Deadline.
Friday, August 22- Late Application Deadline (After July 1).
Friday, August 22– Set up 8 AM thru 3 PM
Friday, August 22 - Show starts at 3 PM, ends at 7 PM
Friday, August 22 - Saturday only setups 7 PM to 9 PM (Sun sets at 8:18 PM)
Saturday, August 23 - Saturday only setups 6 AM to 9 AM
Saturday, August 23 – Show starts at 9:00 AM, ends at 5:00 PM
Saturday, August 23– All artist's artwork and display materials must be removed from the park by 7:00 PM.
What You Get:
· A space as large as you need on a grass surface.
· Tables for diners will be located near your space.
· 120v Electrical service. Call Douglas Stephens at 810-282 7641 for special arrangements.
· Uniformed security from 8:00 PM Friday night through 6:00 AM Saturday.
· Extensive advertising to promote the event ( newspaper ads, signage, social media, etc.)
Vendor’s Responsibilities:
· Collection and payment of Michigan Sales Tax.
· Vendors must provide everything they need for their setup.
· All tents and canopies must be fire retardant.
· All tents, canopies, artwork, trash, equipment, etc. must be removed from the park by 7:00 PM on the day of the event.
· Vendors must hold a current permit/license to operate his/her food business as presented from all applicable governmental jurisdictions.
· Appropriate property and liability insurance to cover your product and display features, as well as your business.
Be aware that the show will go on regardless of the weather conditions, except for extreme life threatening conditions.
To Apply:
· Click the button below and complete the information requested.
· If for any reason you cannot make your application as outlined above please call Douglas Stephens at 810 282 7641 for special arrangements.
By having completed the application process I hereby declare that I have read all the conditions and requirements above and agree to abide by all of them. I further agree to the following additional conditions.
· The Swartz Creek Kiwanis Club, City of Swartz Creek, GFWC Women’s Club, and Swartz Creek Area Art Guild assumes no liability for loss or damage to art work or other property for any cause, or injury to any person, that may arise from the occupation of the exhibit space.
· I understand that if this license application is accepted I give permission to use my name / business name, and any images I submitted, and any photographs taken at the event of my items or me for any and all purposes.