Swartz Creek
Our 16th year

Friday, August 22, 2025
Saturday, August 23, 2025
Elms Park
Swartz Creek, Michigan
An email we received from one of our artists from 2017
“We participated in our first Art in the Park in Swartz Creek this past Saturday {2017}. What a well run and staffed event it was. Weather was perfect (I know you worked hard on that) and the lay-out and amenities were some of the finest (and we've been to The Suburban Collection-Great Lakes Art Fair among other Art shows) and was so pleasantly surprised how great an event you put on! Everyone was so helpful and we loved the free water and healthy snacks (loved the fruit cups!). We had a great day of sales and we look forward to returning in 2018. Thanks for the personal invite and see you in 2018! We will spread the word to others as well!"
Janet & Larry Allen
And these entries on our Facebook Page:
“Love this annual event! Great place to bring the family. Nice variety of fine arts. I always leave with a Christmas gift for someone, and always regret not buying more for myself!” - Lina Russell
“Great art & craft show. Entertainment was excellent! Talent was diverse & fun. Food was delicious, and the event was organized & well attended. Every year it gets bigger & better.” - Bonnie Krupp O'Neal
Swartz Creek Art in the Park is America at its best !!! We live in one of the greatest cities in the world !!!
Richard Kerry Thompson
“The Kiwanis Art in the Park is the best Art show i have ever been to”. - Pat Henke
You are hereby invited to submit your application to display and sell your artwork at the annual Swartz Creek Art in the Park (AITP) fine arts and fine crafts festival in Swartz Creek, Michigan. The event will be held at Elms Park on Elms Road in Swartz Creek, Michigan This is a juried event. You will find submission requirements below.
Thursday, July 1 – Early Application Deadline.
Friday, August 22- Late Application Deadline (After July 1).
Friday, August 22– Set up 8 AM thru 3 PM
Friday, August 22 - Show starts at 3 PM, ends at 7 PM
Friday, August 22 - Saturday only setups 7 PM to 9 PM (Sun sets at 8:18 PM)
Saturday, August 23 - Saturday only setups 6 AM to 9 AM
Saturday, August 23 – Show starts at 9:00 AM, ends at 5:00 PM
Saturday, August 23– All artist's artwork and display materials must be removed from the park by 7:00 PM.
Early Applications $125.00 (On or before July 1).
Late Applications $150.00 (After July 1, 2024).
Artist sharing a booth: $25.00 Additional – 2 artists / booth max.– Note on the application form who you are sharing with.
Jury Fee: There is no jury fee. A donation to our silent auction would be appreciated.
Your booth fee will be refunded if the jury does not accept your application. Booth fees for accepted applications are generally not refundable. Refunds will be considered for extreme hardships only.
Jury Information:
· The general criteria for acceptance are that the artwork must be the applicant's original design, be created by the applicant, and have artistic merit.
What you get:
· 12’x12’ booth space. The main access aisles will be approximately 20'-30' wide. You can load and unload directly in front of your booth space.
· Uniformed security will be provided from 8:00 PM on Friday night until 6:00 AM on Saturday.
· Assistance with setting up and taking down your display if needed.
· Art in the Park is promoted with an extensive advertising campaign that includes newspaper, radio and Social Media. We will also provide extensive street signage during the week of the show.
· Artist hospitality booth (free beverages and snacks).
· Booth sitters will be provided for short periods of time as needed.
Artist’s Responsibilities:
· By local ordinance no smoking is allowed anywhere in Elms Park.
· Collection and payment of Michigan Sales Tax.
· Artists must provide everything they need for their setup.
· All tents and canopies must be fire retardant.
· All tents, canopies, artwork, displays, equipment, etc. must be within the confines of your designated space at all times during the hours of the show.
· Booths must be open and staffed by the artist during the show hours. Booth sitters will be provided for short periods of time. This requirement may be waived under certain circumstances at the discretion the show director.
· Reproductions must be clearly marked as such and must be numbered. NO BUY/SELL OR KITS!!
· Appropriate property and liability insurance to cover your artwork and display features, as well as your business.
· While not a requirement, it is tradition that the artist donate a sample of their artwork to the charity sponsoring the event, to be sold at their silent auction fundraiser.
Be aware the show will go on regardless of the weather conditions, except for extreme life threatening conditions.
Application Requirements:
· Each artist is required to submit a separate application. If you are sharing a booth with another artist please name that artist in the indicated section of the application
You will be able to download three digital images of your artwork directlly from the online application form. There is a size limit of 1MG for each image.
If you have a website that accurately represents your work we will judge your website. Be sure to include your website address where requested. We must be able to download and/or print your artwork images from your website.
If you prefer you will be able to download a PDF application form that you can fill out manually and mail in along with your images and check. They can be emailed to: dstephens188@gmail.com, or mailed to: Swartz Creek Kiwanis, 5023 Holland Dr., Swartz Creek, Michigan 48473
· All artwork displayed at the show must be consistent with images submitted to be juried. We reserve the right to have inconsistent items removed from an artist's booth.
To apply:
· Click the button below to go to the application page. Complete the information requested on the application form. When you have completed the form click the SUBMIT button. Your application will then be registered.
You will then be presented with the option to pay your booth fee online with your credit card. Alternatively you can skip this and send your check in the mail.
If for any reason you cannot make your application as outlined above please call Douglas Stephens at 810-282-7641 for special arrangements.
Completing the application process below makes this document a legal agreement between you and the Swartz Creek Kiwanis Club. We suggest you print this web page for your records.
By completing the application process I hereby declare that I have read all the conditions and requirements above and agree to abide by all of them. I further agree to the following additional conditions.
· The Swartz Creek Kiwanis Club, The City of Swartz Creek, GFWC Women’s Club, and Swartz Creek Area Art Guild assumes no liability for loss or damage to art work or other property for any cause, or injury to any person, that may arise from the occupation of the exhibit space.
· I understand that if this application is accepted I give permission to use my name / business name, and any images I submitted, and any photographs taken at the event of my items or me for any and all purposes.
Application Information
By completing the application process below I hereby confirm my agreement to all of the conditions presented above.